Welcome to our Daycare!
54 Cedar Place, Rye NY 10580


Frequently Asked Questions

MONDAY: 7:00am to 6:00pm
TUESDAY: 7:00am to 6:00pm
WEDNESDAY: 7:00am to 6:00pm
THURSDAY: 7:00am to 6:00pm
FRIDAY: 7:00am to 6:00pm
There is a $10 late fee for every 30 minutes you pick up your child after 6:00 pm.
We do not offer early drop off, we open at 7:00 am sharp.
Child care will not be available on the following holidays:
  1. Martin Luther King’s Jr. Day, January 18th
  2. President’s Day, February 15th
  3. Memorial Day, May 30th
  4. Independence Day, July 4th
  5. Closed for vacation August 1st to August 5th
  6. Labor Day, September 5th
  7. Columbus Day, October 10th
  8. Veteran’s Day, November 11th
  9. Thanksgiving, November 24th and November 25th
  10. Christmas Day will be observed on December 26th
  11. New Year’ Eve will be observed on January 2nd
Before you start daycare there are several forms required. In the parent contract, you will find rates, closings, and other important terms. Your child is also required to have a physical exam and proof of immunization in order to attend childcare. In the parent handbook, you will find more in detail information about our program.

Please feel free to take a look at these forms before you schedule a visit. If you decide to use our services you will have to fill them out on your child’s first day at daycare. If you have any question please feel free to contact us.
You will find the information on rates in the Parents/Daycare Contract
Tuition is due weekly, bi-weekly or monthly according to a mutual agreement. If decided that tuition must be paid on a monthly basis you are required to pay the month in advance.

Once agreed to the number of days or hours your child will be attending daycare you are responsible for tuition regardless of any vacation, days your child is absent due to illness or any other reasons. You will be responsible for tuition on holidays but not the week daycare is closed in the summer.
Breakfast, am snack, Lunch and pm snack are served daily. Home cooked meals Our beloved “Tita” (Maria) loves to cook for us. Her specialties are vegetable and grain soups. We provide organic and whole foods and snacks. We feed our children breakfast, am a snack, lunch, and pm snack. Children with special diets, allergies, early drop-offs and late pickups are always accommodated. Check out this month’s breakfast and lunch menu. ake a look at our various soups recipes!
  • Breast Milk: is warmed up using a container with warm water.
  • Formula: Is prepared using room temperature filtered water. If the water is too cold we use a bottle warmer after the bottle has been prepared.
  • Regular Milk: We use a bottle warmer to warm up milk that is too cold.
The ration of Provider to child is 3:1 There are 4 registered providers working plus 4 extracurricular classes teachers every day
Working with children and families is an important responsibility. Our staff fully complies with OCFS training requirements.
We are required to complete 30 hours of training during each license renewal period. The training we take must address specific topics related to child care, as well as the laws and regulations for child care programs in New York State.
These topics are Principles of early childhood development, including appropriate supervision of children, meeting the needs of children enrolled in the program with physical or emotional problems, and behavior management and discipline; Nutrition and health needs of infants and children; Identifying and preventing child abuse and maltreatment; Child care program development; Safety and security procedures; including communication between parents and their program staff; Business record keeping and management; Statutes and regulations pertaining to child care; Statutes and regulations pertaining to child abuse and maltreatment; and Shaken Baby Syndrome So far, we have covered all the topics in various trainings taken at the Westchester Child Care Council. Some of the trainings are:
  • First aid and CPR
  • Health and safety
  • Supervision Procedure
  • Mixed age groups
  • Child care development
  • Healthy eating
We only provide topical ointments and over the counter medication with written authorization from the parent or doctor.
If your child/children become ill while attending our program you will be contacted immediately and they will be excluded from attending daycare if they present the following symptoms: • The illness, or child’s reaction to it, requires more care than staff can provide or compromises the health and safety of other children • Significant fever, as defined below: -Infants 6 months and younger should be excluded and referred to a health professional when: 1. Axillary(armpit)temperature above 100 degrees Fahrenheit -Children over the age of 6 months should be excluded and referred to a health professional when: 1. Oral temperature above 101 degrees Fahrenheit 2. Axillary(armpit)temperature above 100 degrees Fahrenheit • Persistent diarrhea, defined as three or more stools in a 24 hr period, when that pattern represents: a. An increased number of stools compared to the child’s normal pattern b. Diarrhea accompanied with symptoms of dehydration, such as sunken eyes, dry skin, concentrated urine or small amounts of urine, fewer than 6 wet diapers in a 24 hr period, or no urine in 4 hrs. c. Diarrhea accompanied by blood in the stool • Undiagnosed rash, except diaper rash • Vomiting two or more times in a previous 24 hr period, or any vomiting accompanied by symptoms of dehydration or other signs of illness • Signs and symptoms of possible illness such an unusual lethargy, uncontrolled coughing, persistent abdominal pain, irritability, persistent crying, difficult breathing, wheezing or other unusual signs until a medical evaluation allows inclusion Please notify Day Care if your child will be absent due to illness. Contagious diseases must be brought to my attention immediately. All involved families will be notified. If your child becomes ill during care, you will be asked to pick up your child immediately. If you cannot be reached, I will contact one of the emergency backups you have listed. The child will be readmitted when symptoms have subsided.
Child Pick Up Form In case of an emergency such as closings, power outages, snow storms, fever, accidents or serious illnesses we will contact the parents first and if the emergency is medical and requires immediate attention we will contact 911 and then parents. In case parents cannot pick up a child or someone else will be picking up, you must fill out “child pick up form”. This form should be updated every 6 months.
We do not accept Child Care Subsidy or Title XX. We do accept scholarships that are paid directly and do not require any application on our part. Since scholarships do not pay before services are rendered parents are responsible for full tuition. Once a scholarship is received we will refund the payments that were made.
We accept cash, checks, credit cards (additional fee added) and direct deposit which is the most common method of payment we accept. This is handled by Childcarepay.com. Once an account is created daycare tuition is billed weekly and invoices are emailed automatically every Saturday, once the invoice is approved by the parent money is transferred from parents bank account to childcare bank account every Friday. We require parents to sign up for recurring payments.
Yes, we do. You will get a print out a statement at the beginning of every year, also when you create an account with Childcarepay.com you have access to your payment history:
  • Available 24/7 from anywhere in the world
  • Easy access to account balance and account history
  • Set up automatic recurring payments
  • Easily access funds from different accounts
The following will serve as a checklist for you as you prepare for your baby’s day with us:
  • A general schedule that would describe your child’s day. It would include information as to when they would nap, general feeding and bottle routine and any particular items that would enhance their day e.g. if they like to be rocked to sleep or prefer laying down awake.
  • Bring in two crib sheets.
  • Sheets that have been used are required to be taken home weekly to be laundered.
  • 3 changes of clothing (onesies, coverall outfits, pants, shirts), several bibs.
  • 2 Bottles.
  • Include a daily note with specific feeding instructions (this includes bottles and food). Formula or breast milk. If prepared bring the bottles in an insulated container we will place them in the refrigerator until ready to be served.
  • Wipes: 1 pack per week, we change diapers around 5 times per day and we use several wipes every time. Diapers: We will need between 25-30 diapers a week, you might want to bring enough for the month. Wholesale stores have great deals on baby items.
  • Label everything such as bottles, spoons, bibs, food jars, blankets, crib sheets, clothes, and socks, orajel, baby ointments, wipe boxes, extra bags of diapers, nuks, and toys if you bring them.
  • Please include signed and dated written instructions for orajel and baby ointments.
The following will serve as a checklist for you as you prepare for your toddler’s day with us: Please fill out these forms in order to help us get to know your child before he/she starts child care: Child Information Child Pick Up Form Child Pick Up Form Child Information Form
  • Bring in two cribs fitted sheets (for mat)
  • Sheets that have been used are required to be taken home weekly to be laundered.
  • Blanket and pillow or pillowcase (we provide pillows but you might bring your own. Our pillows are protected with anti-allergen, waterproof cases)
  • 3 changes of clothing (pants, shirts)
  • 2 sipi cups (one for milk, one for water)
  • Wipes: 1 pack per week, we change diapers around 5 times per day and we use several wipes every time. Diapers: We will need between 25-30 diapers a week, you might want to bring enough for the month. Wholesale stores have great deals on baby items.
  • Label everything such as bottles, spoons, bibs, food jars, blankets, crib sheets, clothes, and socks, orajel, baby ointments, wipe boxes, extra bags of diapers, nuks, and toys if you bring them.
  • Please include signed and dated written instructions for orajel and baby ointments.
The following will serve as a checklist for you as you prepare for your preschooler’s day with us: Please fill out these forms in order to help us get to know your child before he/she starts child care: Child Information Child Pick Up Form Child Pick Up Form Child Information Form
  • Bring in one crib fitted sheets (for mat)
  • Sheets that have been used are required to be taken home weekly to be laundered.
  • Blanket and pillow or pillowcase (we provide pillows but you might bring your own. Our pillows are protected with anti-allergen, waterproof cases)
  • 2 changes of clothing (pants, shirts, socks, and underpants)
  • 2 sipi cups (one for milk, one for water)
  • Training pants if not potty trained yet.
  • Label everything such as cups, blankets, crib sheets, clothes, and socks, wipe boxes, extra bags of diapers/training pants, and toys if you bring them.
Infants have different and more frequent nap times, we will follow parents instructions or infants cues to determine their sleeping times. Infants will nap in a pack n play that has been prepared with their sheet. Infants will be put to sleep on their back, no blankets or toys will be allowed with the infant during nap time. We will monitor their sleep by checking infant every 15 minutes and listening to a baby monitor placed in the napping room. Toddlers and preschoolers will nap from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on a mat with their sheet and blanket, we will also provide a pillow. Lights are turned off, blinds will be closed and classical music will be playing throughout nap time.
Infants have different and more frequent nap times, we will follow parents instructions or infants cues to determine their sleeping times. Infants will nap in a pack n play that has been prepared with their sheet. Infants will be put to sleep on their back, no blankets or toys will be allowed with the infant during nap time. We will monitor their sleep by checking infant every 15 minutes and listening to a baby monitor placed in the napping room. Toddlers and preschoolers will nap from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on a mat with their sheet and blanket, we will also provide a pillow. Lights are turned off, blinds will be closed and classical music will be playing throughout nap time.
No. Every child must bring two sets of clothing to keep at the daycare. We strongly recommend for the clothing to be for all kinds of “play” purposes. Because we are always playing with materials and in places that might stain clothes (play-dough, finger painting, mud, sand, water, etc.) we do not recommend the parent to dress children with expensive and delicate outfits. If the parent wishes to bring other outfits so we can change the child right before pick up time they are welcome to do so. Clothing should be the type that can be managed easily by young, inexperienced fingers. Weather permitting, the children will go out to the playground daily. Please dress them appropriately (i.e. boots, gloves, hats, scarves, etc.). Also, please mark all clothing with the child’s first and last name. It’s important the child wears clothing that launders easily due to these activities. Remember we are not responsible for lost clothing or stained outfits.
Discipline Policy for Child Care This child care program shall provide each child with guidance that helps the child acquire a positive self-image and self-control and that teaches acceptable behavior. Discipline and behavior guidance used by the provider will at all time be constructive, positive, and suited to the age of the child. This child care program complies with all federal, state, and other relevant laws that prohibit corporal or abusive punishment in child care settings. Additionally, staffs are expressly prohibited from using unproductive or shaming methods of punishment. This child care program believes that parents and child care staff must work together to address persistent behavioral issues such as biting, unusual or dangerous aggression, or other issues. Parents will be contacted for a conference when a child appears to be unusually stressed, anxious, or otherwise motivated to engage in negative behaviors The following standards and rules apply to children in our care: Age Group: Toddler (18 months-36 months) a. redirection: substituting a positive activity for a negative activity b. distraction: change the focus of the activity or behavior c. active listening: to determine the underlying cause of the behavior d. separation from the group: this is only used when less-intrusive methods have been tried and the behavior of the child is dangerous to him/herself or to the other children. The child will remain in sight and hearing of the provider. The child will be separated from the group for a maximum time of a minute per year. Age Group: Preschool (3 years-K) a. redirection: substituting a positive activity for a negative activity b. distraction: change the focus of the activity or behavior c. active listening: to determine the underlying cause of the behavior d. separation from the group: this is only used when less-intrusive methods have been tried and the behavior of the child is dangerous to him/herself or to the other children. The child will remain in sight and hearing of the provider. The child will be separated from the group for a maximum time of a minute per year
We will be happy to celebrate your child’s birthday at the center. If you wish to bring a simple treat (cookies, cupcakes, etc.) for the occasion, please make arrangements ahead of time with the staff for the specific day.
Parents are welcome to visit any time they wish to do so, we need a heads up before they visit in case the visit might interfere with their child nap, eating or playground trips. Breastfeeding mothers are welcome at any time, privacy will be provided when nursing their child.
Children are encouraged to rest for 30 minutes and then participate in quiet activities such as reading or looking at books, coloring, puzzles, play dough, etc.
No, we do not have any pets.
We allow children to bring to Day Care any special toy they might have, such as teddy bears, stuffed animals, blankets, pacifiers, cars, dolls, etc. These items are permitted but we do not take responsibilities for damage or loss of such toy. We do try our best to look after the toys and put them back in the child’s bag or cubby if your child does bring a toy make sure you label it with child’s full name.
Toys that have been mouthed are cleaned immediately. Surfaces in which food is served or prepared are cleaned immediately, as well as potty chairs, bathroom items, and changing table. Linens, shirts, soft toys and blankets are laundered weekly unless they become soiled sooner. Carpeted areas are vacuumed daily and steamed cleaned every 3 months. Any other surface either toys and furniture are disinfected daily or as needed.

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54 Cedar Place, Rye NY 10580

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